Saturday, May 26, 2007


My husband and I are both "DomNi," as we call it. That means we share a preference for introverted iNtuiting. (His preferences are for INTJ while mine are for INFJ.)

So the weirdest thing happened last night, and we're both quite distressed about it!

We were sound asleep in bed after a very long day, when CRASH! The picture mounted over our fireplace fell down. The glass shattered and the frame broke off at the bottom. Luckily nobody was hurt, and nothing else was damaged.

It isn't a terrible loss, because I paid a whopping twenty bucks for it at a hardware store.

But we're still upset.

And it isn't only because our sleep was disturbed.

See, here's the thing. My husband's relatives have been visiting us for the past three weeks from Australia. And last night, we put all of them on planes to go home. Buh-bye!

So... when this picture CRASHED in the middle of the night, we naturally INTERPRETED its meaning in terms of, "What crashed?" That naturally led to a concern that a plane carrying relatives may have crashed. Yikes!

Interestingly, I checked in with my own iNtuition after my husband explained what had happened, and I quickly dismissed the possibility that it was the relatives. I just "knew" that wasn't it. My husband, however, checked his iNtuition and "knew" that wasn't it either, but he jumped online and checked all the flights just to be sure, before returning to bed. That's how concerned he was.

This morning, once we woke up and got moving, we surveyed the damage of the broken frame and glass. That's when my husband confessed his concerns to me. I laughed, and confessed my concerns back. We were amused by how they were identical (almost).

In that instance, we both felt very grateful to have a DomNi spouse who understands how our mind works.

And here's the thing: we still don't know what it means! As we picked up the pieces, I found myself feeling more and more distressed.

Does this crash presage a different "crash" in my life? Could there be an oncoming financial "crash"? Might there be a car crash? Could an earthquake be eminent?

Who knows??

Likewise, my husband is tiptoeing on eggshells somewhat. His driving improved significantly today, and he was more conscientious about his choices behind the wheel.

He wonders whether the crash is a foreshadowing of our next tropical vacation, given the subject matter of the picture. (I retorted that perhaps the Universe was making an insulting comment about my taste in art.) It's amazing how many ways you can interpret an event.

Today we're both walking around with a nagging sense of doom and gloom that we can't quite shake. We're waiting for the other shoe to drop, and wondering what it is.

Someone else would no doubt laugh at us, and simply say we used the wrong-sized picture hook. No big deal. Pound in a new hook and hang a new picture. Get over it!

Sometimes I wish life were that easy...


Blogger Gina said...

Oh, Vicky Jo! I hope your "crash" was of a good kind... the kind that makes way for something beautiful to take its place.

Let us know how it turned out!

Gina ;~}

9:44 AM  
Blogger Vicky Jo said...

What a beautiful notion you shared -- it opens up new possibilities! We still haven't figured out the meaning of the crash, or found anything to associate it with, but you've given us something new to ponder. I'm so grateful you shared this idea -- it's gratifying to re-frame the crash into a positive context that hadn't occurred to us. Thank you, Gina.

10:25 AM  

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